

I regret the chaotic nature of the previous post, but the fact is I have been ably working away at storyboards for service des

Blogging frustration by Roger Mason


Comic art gallery

Humorous cartoons


Several jpegs are supplied of the subject to show what they look like and a suggestion for a theme. I will then produce a penc

Storyboards for app development

Storyboards for app development artwork © Roger Mason Storyboards for app development artwork © Roger Mason Storyboards for

Graphic novel now available to buy

The Mice: The Factory Menace is now available to buy from Scar Comics online shop, here . £7.99, 80 pages, black and white, i

Leeds Thought Balloon comic con

Monday morning and just taken my brother’s crazy fun dog Barney for a walk in the hills around Sheffield. I went to Thou

Batman Live commission

Recently I drew this commission for the boyfriend of a dancer who had won a part in the Batman Live Arena Tour, a significant

Schrodinger’s Cat cartoon

If this is not one of the most alluring subjects in physics for cartoonists, other than Einstein’s hair and equations, I

Cartooning in Hackney

A response to events in London, drawn on the back of an envelope.

Set the Destroyer storyboards

Recently I produced seven key frame illustrations for film-maker Craig Murray who is making a music video for the band Set the

News of The World phone hacking

Judge Dredd 3 – ‘Outgunned’ pencils

This piece of paper has been flapping around in the drawing board vicinity for a few weeks. The judge’s face was origina

BNI Givers Gain cartoon

London Inferno

80-page crime graphic novel first published in France by EP Editions. Script LF Bollée, English translation by the artist. Th

Hellish – santa cartoon

Always was unsure if this was funny or too specific in its reference.

Diary comic – Triggered Off

diary comic strip

Been drawing a lot of storyboards lately and some really nice, taxing things I have been asked to draw. It would not be a good