Nissin Foods ninja storyboards

These Nissin Foods storyboards were commissioned by Unit 9 to describe a promotion which took place in Manchester on 10th September. For the Japanese instant noodle firm, a footballer dressed as a samurai, being chased by ninjas, juggled a football through the streets and ended up at Old Trafford, cavorting about on the pitch. They have to be some of my favourite recent drawings, and some of my coolest storyboards to date. See more of my storyboards here.

Watch the film here:

Commissioned by Unit 9, a football juggler dressed as a samurai promotes Nissin Foods. Art by Roger Mason 2014
Commissioned by Unit 9, a football juggler dressed as a samurai promotes Nissin Foods. Art by Roger Mason 2014
unit 9_manchester united samurai_ roger mason 2
Commissioned by Unit 9, a football juggler dressed as a samurai promotes Nissin Foods. Art by Roger Mason 2014 …