New alien characters from The Mice graphic novel

Aliens from book three of The Mice, currently in production.

(The Mice can now be found here)

This is the full-length character study of the aliens who work in the offices of the factory Order Nine. From left to right: Wade, Lona, Myrl (seated), Q (sort for Quar) and as-yet unnamed. A lot of the action in the next book takes place in the factory’s planning department which gives us a taste of how the humans’ disruptive activities wreck the day-to-day running of the factory. Also there’s going to be some office romance and more than a little bit of back-stabbing.

On The Mice’s facebook page I asked for suggestions as to what to call these aliens, with Myrl a great suggestion. Coming up with alien names is something that can bug me at strange moments, like when I am in the shower. Each name can only be four letters long – a peculiarity of the alien culture and a limitation which I set years ago that bugs me to this day.
